MAM has several clinics for basic healthcare. Hlaingthayar and Shwepyithar are the poorest Townships in Yangon. Most people cannot afford to pay for their basic health needs. MAM supports 4 clinics in this townships.
The ‘Thazin’ clinic (Thazin is the name of a flower) in Hlaingthayar Township and the Tun clinic (named after Dr Ni Ni Tun, as this clinic is registered as a private clinic and not an NGO clinic) in Shwepyithar Township.
These clinics provide a mix of activities including mother and child care, treatment of malnourished children, reproductive health including family planning and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and testing, counselling, treatment and care for people with HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis.

under 5 years of age
The most common pathology in children under-5 years are respiratory tract infections, diarrhoea and skin infections. Children are also screened for malnutrition. Children with severe acute malnutrition (who have a mortality of 50% if untreated) are admitted and treatment reduces mortality to <10%. This includes rehydration, feeding 6 meals a day in a step up schedule and treatment of underlying diseases (mostly TB or HIV).
We also look into the socio-economic situation of the family, in particular for orphans and children with a single parent.