Many women have more children than they want to have or can care for adequately. This leads to poor health of both mothers and children. In addition, it leads to illegal abortion, which is usually performed in a non sterile way, leading to infection and death of the mother. This is mainly due to a lack of access to affordable family planning methods.

Reproductive health activities include screening and treatment for reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted infections, including a physical exam and laboratory screening for the most common pathologies and testing and consultations for pregnancies.

Female sex workers and men who have sex with men are important target groups for STI management because they are involved with high risk behaviour and their positivity rates are usually high. Screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections reduce the chance to get, or spread HIV.

Syphilis prevalence is very high in this township and a potential danger for patients and unborn babies and it is an important factor for the spread of HIV.
Pregnant women are therefore an important target because of the danger for themselves and for their unborn babies.